Saturday, 16 June 2012

Video: Romney offers dueling economic vision

>>> mitt romney moved the time of his speech to prebutt, we are using this word the president's speech. they are both in ohio . with me jonathan, jackry to discuss what we're hearing here. before the president starts to talk here, mitt romney laying out the case, the president is no trade agreement , he says obama care or health care as he referred to it is hurting small businesses , dodd/frank has not helped banks here. he's laying out his examples of policies he says has hurt the economy rather than speed up the recovery. also started out with the stimulus here. fact versus fiction or is this subject to interpretation?

>> dodd/frank clearly subject to interpretation and you had jamie diamond's testimony yesterday a strong rebuttal of that. one of most interesting things in the speech the warning about europe. i don't know that last time a presidential campaign has looked across the ocean and said, we don't want to become that.

>> he pointed out unemployment rate . but what we know, austerity measures put in place in europe are part of the reason they have this epic problem , a crisis that we will watch play out tomorrow, as well, this weekend with elections in greece. we heard clinton point out the other day to make the case against the austerity measures those is what can happen if you don't invest with government.

>> right. that's an excellent point. but it's an economic point. it requires people to kind of put two and two together in their minds. and presidential elections were 130 million americans vote, by think about that, people who pay no attention to any of the things that you and i do. they're busy with their lives and families and only check into all of this after labor day in an election year. so 130 million americans, are they going to sit still for a complicated economic message from barack obama , or will they go you know what? i'm voting my pocketbook, i'm not as well off as i was a few years ago i'm going for romney.

>> but you have a new gallup poll out that says the same people a large number blame decisions made by the previous administration. bush administration for where we stand economically. there's the number, 68%.

>> that's because those people, the american people , are not stupid. when somebody tries to tell them this is all president obama 's fault, they know that's bull. and we'll see whether they, you know, can sort out some of those at this point historical complexities and make a more measured judgment.

>> i want to bring jack tory into the conversation. writer out of ohio . wanted to talk to about regarding this date. you have this article, economy polishing rust off of ohio 's belt and point out what i think a lot of people would be stunned to hear the incredible growth in that state, the rust bell. you pointed out how it got its name and new modern businesses are sprouting and up who gets credit.

>> in reality private enterprise gets most credit. you cannot understatement the impact the automotive bailout had, helped revifb general motors and chrysler and they have a huge presence through northern ohio ranging from toledo and youngstown. and they have a spin-off effect. president obama has every right to go in and take credit for that. and that's why ohio will be an extremely competitive state because he can point to something, concrete, and point out that the unemployment rate in o. ohio is 7.4% under the national average. he can also point out the fact that in the midwest states unemployment has dropped by 3.4% and that's largely driven by manufacturering.

>> thank you so much. the president obviously thanking the audience right now. we want to get to what he has

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