Wednesday 24 July 2013

What India's Strike Corps will do on Himalayas

Some elements of these divisions will act as readily available reserves for the new Strike Corps to add weight along the axis of attack and exploit success.

These divisions will also be employed to secure launch pads for an offensive across the Himalayas. Hence, these must be seen as playing a significant supporting role for the Strike Corps.

Despite the ongoing border talks between India and China to resolve the territorial and boundary dispute, often punctuated by ugly incidents like the PLA incursion in the Daulat Beg Oldie sector in April 2013, a limited border conflict cannot be completely ruled out as the Line of Actual Control is yet to be demarcated jointly on the ground and the map.

As the territorial dispute with Pakistan over Jammu and Kashmir is also in the mountains, there is a very high probability that the next conventional conflict involving India will again break out in the mountains.

Since the war will be fought under a nuclear overhang, particularly with Pakistan, there is a fair possibility that it will remain confined to the mountains so that it does not escalate out of control to nuclear exchanges.

Hence, it was time for India to pivot to the mountains in its quest for building military capacities and it is creditable that the government has given the go ahead to raise a new Strike Corps.

In any future war that the armed forces are called upon to fight in the mountains, gaining, occupying and holding territory and evicting the enemy from Indian territory occupied by him will continue to remain important military aims. No war plan will succeed without achieving asymmetries in the application of firepower to destroy the enemy?s combat potential and infrastructure.

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