Friday 30 November 2012

US finds Guantanamo prisoner death was suicide

(AP) ? An autopsy has found that a Guantanamo Bay prisoner who died in September committed suicide, a U.S. military official said Thursday.

Adnan Latif, who was found unconscious in his cell in a disciplinary wing of the prison at the U.S. base in Cuba, took an overdose of psychiatric medication, according to a senior Defense Department official.

The official said it had not yet been determined how Latif, who was from Yemen and had a history of mental illness and clashes with guards, managed to collect enough medication to kill himself. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the autopsy results have not yet been released and the case remains the subject of an investigation by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

The U.S. military does not intend to disclose the results of the autopsy or discuss the case in further detail until after Latif's remains are returned to his country, said Army Col. Greg Julian, a spokesman for the U.S. military's Miami-based Southern Command, which has jurisdiction over Guantanamo. The remains are at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

His death was the seventh suicide at the prison, where the U.S. now holds 166 men. The deaths of two other prisoners were determined to be from natural causes.

The finding of suicide in the Latif case was first reported by the website Truthout, followed by The New York Times.

David Remes, a lawyer for Latif, said he is skeptical of the military's conclusion and said it would be difficult for the prisoner to accumulate enough medication to commit suicide because he was frequently searched and monitored inside the prison.

Remes said he thinks it's possible that Latif was given excessive or incorrect medication. "Given a choice between blaming themselves and blaming Adnan, the choice they made was all but preordained," he said.

Latif, who was in his 30s, was held Guantanamo for more than a decade. The U.S. government accused him of training with the Taliban to fight the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. He was never charged and was among several prisoners from Yemen who had been cleared for release but could not be sent back because their country is considered too unstable to prevent former prisoners from engaging in militant activities.

At Guantanamo, he was among dozens of prisoners who waged hunger strikes to protest their captivity. At the time of his death he was in a disciplinary unit for allegedly hurling unspecified bodily fluids at a guard.

He had challenged his confinement with a civil petition known as a writ of habeas corpus. In July 2010, a judge ruled a classified report was insufficient evidence that he had trained at the militant camp and ordered his release.

The government appealed to a higher court, which ruled that courts should assume the government documents were accurate and reliable. In June, the Supreme Court declined to hear his appeal, which lawyers said has caused increased despair among Guantanamo prisoners.


Associated Press writer Pauline Jelinek in Washington contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Body language, not facial expressions, broadcasts what's happening to us

ScienceDaily (Nov. 29, 2012) ? If you think that you can judge by examining someone's facial expressions if he has just hit the jackpot in the lottery or lost everything in the stock market -- think again. Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at New York University and Princeton University have discovered that -- despite what leading theoretical models and conventional wisdom might indicate -- it just doesn't work that way.

Rather, they found that body language provides a better cue in trying to judge whether an observed subject has undergone strong positive or negative experiences.

In a study published this week in the journal Science, the researchers present data showing that viewers in test groups were baffled when shown photographs of people who were undergoing real-life, highly intense positive and negative experiences. When the viewers were asked to judge the emotional valences of the faces they were shown (that is, the positivity or negativity of the faces), their guesses fell within the realm of chance.

The study was led by Dr. Hillel Aviezer of the Psychology Department of the Hebrew University, together with Dr. Yaacov Trope of New York University and Dr. Alexander Todorov of Princeton University.

In setting out to test the perception of highly intense faces, the researchers presented test groups with photos of dozens of highly intense facial expressions in a variety of real-life emotional situations. For example, in one study they compared emotional expressions of professional tennis players winning or losing a point. These pictures are ideal because the stakes in such games are extremely high from an economic and prestige perspective.

To pinpoint how people recognize such images, Aviezer and his colleagues showed different versions of the pictures to three groups of participants: 1) the full picture with the face and body; 2) the body with the face removed; and 3) the face with the body removed. Remarkably, participants could easily tell apart the losers from winners when they rated the full picture or the body alone, but they were at chance level when rating the face alone.

Ironically, the participants who viewed the full image (face and body) were convinced that it was the face that revealed the emotional impact, not the body. The authors named this effect "illusory valence," reflecting the fact that participants said they saw clear valence (that is, either positive or negative emotion) in what was objectively a non-diagnostic face.

In an additional study, Aviezer and his collaborators asked viewers to examine a more broad range of real-life intense faces. These included intense positive situations, such as joy (seeing one's house after a lavish makeover), pleasure (experiencing an orgasm), and victory (winning a critical tennis point), as well as negative situations, such as grief (reacting at a funeral), pain (undergoing a nipple/naval piercing), and defeat (losing a critical tennis point).

Again, viewers were unable to tell apart the faces occurring in positive vs. negative situations. To further demonstrate how ambiguous these intense faces are, the researchers "planted" faces on bodies expressing positive or negative emotion. Sure enough, the emotional valence of the same face on different bodies was determined by the body, flipping from positive to negative depending on the body with which they appeared.

"These results show that when emotions become extremely intense, the difference between positive and negative facial expression blurs," says Aviezer. "The findings, challenge classic behavioral models in neuroscience, social psychology and economics, in which the distinct poles of positive and negative valence do not converge."

Aviezer adds: "From a practical-clinical perspective, the results may help researchers understand how body/face expressions interact during emotional situations. For example, individuals with autism may fail to recognize facial expressions, but perhaps if trained to process important body cues, their performance may significantly improve."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. H. Aviezer, Y. Trope, A. Todorov. Body Cues, Not Facial Expressions, Discriminate Between Intense Positive and Negative Emotions. Science, 2012; 338 (6111): 1225 DOI: 10.1126/science.1224313

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Fox News Contributor Wildly Overreacts To Gay Marriage Changes ...


With same-sex marriage now the law in Washington state, Olympia has eliminated the terms ?bride? and ?groom? from their wedding license application. The terms used are now gender-neutral so as not to offend the gay couples who can now legally apply for full married status. For Fox News Channel legal analyst Peter Johnson Jr., the changes are not welcome ? not because gay marriage itself offends per se, but because the elimination of those eons-old and culturally specific terms has the potential to rend sunder the fabric of American identity.

In a segment on Fox & Friends discussing the changes to Washington state?s marriage license application, Johnson said that he thought these amendments have the potential to usher in a wave of cultural animus towards all gender-specific titles.

?This is a sea change. This is a big anthropological change. This will change society and Washington and other states forever,? Jonson said. ?The issue becomes, in terms of gender neutrality, in terms of saying ?I?m a spouse, I?m not a husband or wife, I?m not a bride or groom, I?m someone about to be married? ? where does it go??

Do we no longer say father and mother? Do we only say parent? Do we no longer say brother and sister? Do we say sibling? Do we no longer say widow or widower? What does it mean in terms of our relationships and how we view each other ? people who chose to be engaged in heterosexual marriages?

Steve Doocy asked if the changes to a bureaucratic form in Washington state will ripple across America and tear asunder the social fabric with which we have become accustomed. ?It will,? Johnson replied categorically.


When I turned 17 years old and received my driver?s license for the first time, my fragile teenage sense of identity was shaken greatly when my friends began referring to me as ?organ donor.? Since no one told me that we are all defined by the boxes we check on government forms, my new moniker came as a shock.

It is a safe bet that Americans will continue to defy bureaucratic classification methods. Many will even maintain the secret, underground use of such descriptors as ?husband? and ?wife? or ?bride? and ?groom? in spite of Washington state?s cultural Dadaism.

Chances are that Americans will still be able to identify their neighbor?s gender no matter how politically correct state and federal governments become. Mr. Johnson?s hyperbolic objections to these changes in Washington state render most of his argument hollow.

Watch the clip below via Fox News Channel:

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

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Thursday 29 November 2012

Bacteria hijack host cell process, create their own food supply to become infectious

ScienceDaily (Nov. 29, 2012) ? Bacteria that cause the tick-borne disease anaplasmosis in humans create their own food supply by hijacking a process in host cells that normally should help kill the pathogenic bugs, scientists have found.

This bacterium, Anaplasma phagocytophilum (Ap), secretes a protein that can start this process. The protein binds with another protein produced by white blood cells, and that connection creates compartments that siphon host-cell nutrients to feed the bacteria, enabling their growth inside the white blood cells.

The finding defies conventional wisdom about most bacteria, which try to avoid this cellular process. Called autophagy, the process allows a cell to digest parts of itself to produce energy when it is experiencing starvation. But that digestive feature also is enacted by the immune system to help clear away certain intracellular pathogens, including those that cause salmonellosis or shigellosis.

The Ap bacterium, however, launches and then manipulates the autophagy process to its own advantage.

"This study shows how bacteria subvert natural processes," said Yasuko Rikihisa, professor of veterinary biosciences at Ohio State University and lead author of the research. "They are creating their own food supply through a cellular mechanism that hurts other infectious bacteria. And because this process doesn't cause inflammation, they do it very gently, becoming an insider that eventually kills the host cell."

The finding could help identify new targets for drugs to treat this infection, which is a rare but emerging infectious disease that can be lethal for the elderly and people with compromised immune systems. The current first-line treatment is the antibiotic doxycycline.

Also known as human granulocytic anaplasmosis, the disease affects more than 1,000 people per year in the United States, up from just 348 reported cases in 2003, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is transmitted to humans by tick bites primarily from the black-legged tick and the western black-legged tick.

The study appears online this week in the early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The Ap bacterium secretes substances to perform a process resembling mating to infect host cells, primarily the granulocyte class of white blood cells that fight off invading pathogens. Rikihisa's lab previously identified a protein called Ats-1 that is secreted by Ap bacteria during this process.

In this new study, the researchers found that once inside the host cells, Ats-1 binds to another protein called Beclin 1, which is part of a system of molecules involved in the earliest stages of the autophagy process.

The scientists observed that when the two proteins bind, they create little bubbles known as vesicles. Through a series of experiments, the researchers determined that these bubbles were in fact autophagosomes -- bubble-like compartments that are formed as a cell prepares to undergo autophagy.

They were able to confirm this by imaging the vesicles to determine that they had the tell-tale double membrane characteristic of autophagosomes, and by testing for the presence of other compounds that serve as markers of the initiation of the cell-digesting process.

Under normal circumstances, autophagosomes contain the nutrients that are meant to be digested and recycled for other uses -- but in this case, the bacteria take those nutrients to promote their own growth.

That Ats-1 could start this process on its own represents a rare power for a single protein.

"We believe this is the first bacterial protein that has been found to do this," said Rikihisa, also an investigator in Ohio State's Center for Microbial Interface Biology and Comprehensive Cancer Center. "Ats-1 initiates an early stage of the autophagosome, then picks up nutrients from the main body of the host cell and closes the layers."

Most of the action of bacterial growth takes place inside a special compartment that typically doesn't contain many nutrients. But after the Ap bacterial protein starts this process of producing autophagosomes that can encase nutrients, these bubbles fuse with the compartment, creating a steady supply of food at the site of bacterial replication and growth.

The researchers showed this by further imaging the bubbles to determine that an autophagy marker protein could be found both inside and outside of the bacterial growth compartments. They also showed that infected cells did not contain any lysosomes, which are cell parts that perform the actual digestion and degradation of foreign bodies during autophagy.

An experiment in mice deficient in the Beclin 1 protein showed that infection levels were much lower if mice had low levels of this protein -- confirming its role in binding with Ats-1 and producing autophagosomes to promote infection. In cell cultures, the researchers also showed that when Ats-1 was overproduced, bacteria grew 10 times more effectively than they did in cells in which an unrelated protein was overproduced.

All of this activity allows the bacteria to remain hidden from the immune system because the induction of autophagy is considered a normal cell function and it does not produce any inflammation, which would recruit infection-fighters to the scene. Instead, the Ap bacteria set themselves up comfortably inside granulocytes and steadily grow for a few days until they rupture their host cells and generate a strong immune response -- which makes an infected person sick.

In one final experiment, Rikihisa and colleagues blocked autophagosome production in Ap-infected cells using an experimental drug called 3-MA. With that process blocked, bacterial growth declined dramatically.

3-MA is toxic to humans, but its effectiveness in blocking the infectious properties of Ap in cells suggests that its structure could serve as the basis for a safe small-molecule drug, Rikihisa said.

"A similar compound could be a potential treatment to inhibit bacterial growth," she said.

Clarifying the power of Ats-1 in inducing autophagy also suggests that this protein could be an important tool in further studies of this complex cell process that remains poorly understood, she added.

This work was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health.

Co-authors include Hua Niu and Qingming Xiong of Ohio State's Department of Veterinary Biosciences; and Akitsugu Yamamoto of the Nagahama Institute of Bioscience and Technology and Mitsuko Hayashi-Nishino of Osaka University, both in Japan.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Ohio State University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. H. Niu, Q. Xiong, A. Yamamoto, M. Hayashi-Nishino, Y. Rikihisa. Inaugural Article: Autophagosomes induced by a bacterial Beclin 1 binding protein facilitate obligatory intracellular infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1218674109

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Recreational Sport ? Steps to Follow When Choosing Your Leisure ...

How do you know which recreational sport is right for you? Though this is a simple question, it may not have a simple answer. Before answering this question, it makes sense to know the definition of a recreational sport. In simple terms, a recreational sport is any sport activity or event that one engages in during leisure time. In other words, it is a sport activity or event performed primarily for entertainment and fun. Though in some cases there may be monetary rewards associated with passtime sport, it is not usually the main goal. Other reasons associated with participating in a leisure activities includes: fitness, health, socialization, competition and sport support among others.

There are several options of leisure activities available for all age categories ranging from indoor to outdoor. Making the decision on which choice to pursue can be a real challenge and this varies significantly from one person to the other. For former professional athletes, the decision may be easier especially if they continue participating in their particular former professional sports (i.e. recreational level). The big task of choosing the right recreational sport is however on beginners. In order to make the right choice(s) if you are a beginner, it is important to consider the following general guidelines:

1. Choose a sport that you understand and are passionate about: Leisure sport in a way becomes part of your lifestyle and therefore needs to be entertaining and enjoyable. Choosing something that you don?t like or have no knowledge about can be frustrating even if your friends adore it. It only makes sense to pursue something that you know its rules and regulations. However, this does not mean one cannot learn a new sport or game, but it easier to do so if you love the sport.

2. Consider your goals and objectives: As mentioned above, there are different reasons that drive people into recreational sports. Choosing a sport that is in line with your goals, for example losing weight will only enrich the whole recreational experience. Some one looking for a recreational sport to aid in cutting down some extra body weight may benefit from running, jogging, walking, hiking or swimming among other high calorie burning sport activities as opposed to playing cards or video games. On the other hand somebody looking for a recreational sport that favors socialization may benefit from the latter.

3. Facilities, tools and equipment required: Different recreational sports may require different tools, facilities or equipment or in some cases may require none at all. These tools, facilities or equipment may also vary depending on the needs of every person. For example if you want to play golf for recreation, you will definitely have to purchase a golf club, balls and perhaps shoes. You will also need an available and accessible golf course to play. In some cases if you have more than one favorite recreational sport, you may have to choose what is more convenient based on availability of facilities. It makes more sense to go running at a nearby track especially if you get off work late in the evenings than having to drive for several miles to get to a golf course (i.e. if you like both golf and running).

4. Availability of time: Since a recreational sport is a pastime sport, choosing the right one may be dictated by how much free time is at one?s disposal. Some leisure sports are more time consuming than others. Additionally some of these sports must only be played outside. Where as some sports such as running, jogging, walking, playing tennis, playing basketball or swimming offers both indoor and outdoor options, some of them, for example playing golf, hiking, kayaking, surfing among other don?t. The more time one has, the more the options to choose from and the vice versa.

5. Seasonality: Though this may not be a big deal to people living along the equatorial line geographically, it definitely affects people living in areas with winter and summer climatic seasons. Some recreational sports such as those requiring snow may only be available during winter and only in some parts of the world. So if skiing is the only favorite recreational sport that one can participate in, it means there will be nothing to do for most of the year i.e. during the other seasons. When deciding on the right sport for recreation, it is advisable to have more than one option especially in a situation where one is affected by seasonal changes.

6. Number of participants required: Where as most sports require participation of more than one person at one time, some can be pursued individually. If your schedule does not allow group or team participation, choosing a recreational sport that will enable you to participate alone is a good idea. Jogging, walking, swimming, biking and running are great examples.

As mentioned earlier, this is not an exhaustive list of guidelines, but it is only meant to give you an idea of how to pick the best sport that will make your recreational life a success. Remember the bottom line is fun and entertainment.

Recreational Sport - Steps to Follow When Choosing Your Leisure Sport

Author: Philip Rotich

The author has masters in sports and leisure management. He is a former professional track and field athlete. He is currently pursuing Ph. D program as well coaching and counseling athletes and recreational sports individuals of all ages. For information visit Lose Abdominal Fat

Contents About : Recreational Sport ? Steps to Follow When Choosing Your Leisure Sport












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In Israel, some rebel against circumcision

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Circumcision is one of Judaism's most important laws and for generations of faithful it has symbolized a Biblical covenant with God.

But in Israel, more and more Jewish parents are saying no to the blade.

"It's such a taboo in Israel and in Judaism," said Gali, nursing her six-week-old son, about the decision not to have him circumcised.

"It's like coming out of the closet," she said, asking to be identified by her first name only because she had not told her relatives yet.

Nearly all baby boys in Israel are circumcised. Be their parents ultra-Orthodox or totally secular Jews, it is by far the most common choice. Most Israeli-Arabs also keep with a practice that is widespread in the Muslim world.

Jewish circumcisions are done when the baby is eight days old. The majority are performed by a mohel, a religious man trained in the procedure carried out in a festive religious ceremony called a "brit", Hebrew for covenant.

But an increasing minority fear it is a form of physical abuse.

"It's the same as if someone would tell me 'it's our culture to cut off a finger when he is born'," said Rakefet Kaufman, who also did not have her son circumcised.

"People should see it as abuse because it is done to a baby without asking him," she said.

When Gali learnt she was carrying a baby boy it was obvious to her that he would be circumcised. But she started to think again after a conversation with a friend whose son was uncircumcised.

"She asked me what my reason was for doing it, was it religious? I said no. Was it for health reasons? No. Social? No. Then it began to sink in. I began to read more about it, enter Internet forums, I began to realize that I cannot do it."


"The phenomenon is growing, I have no doubt," said Ronit Tamir, who founded a support group for families who have chosen not to circumcise their sons.

"When we started the group 12 years ago we had to work hard to find 40 families ... They were keeping it secret and we had to promise them we'd keep it secret," she said. "Then, we'd get one or two phone calls a month. Nowadays I get dozens of emails and phone calls a month, hundreds a year."

Tamir believes Jews in today's Israel find it easier to break religious taboos.

"People are asking themselves what it means to be Jewish these days," she said, and that leads some to question rules of all kinds, including circumcision.

In societies around the world who circumcise boys for non-religious reasons, out of habit or tradition or because of the perceived health benefits, the practice can be controversial.

Rates of circumcision in Europe are well under 20 percent, while in the United States, according to 2010 statistics cited by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), more than half of newborn boys continue to be circumcised.

The American Academy of Paediatrics said in August that the health benefits of infant circumcision - potentially avoiding infection, cancer and sexually-transmitted diseases - outweighed the risks, but said parents should make the final call.

But where the decision is ultimately a matter of personal choice for many families around the world, for Jews who question the tradition, it is more complicated.

"It is the covenant between us and God - a sign that one cannot deny and that Jews have kept even in times of persecution," said one well-known mohel who has been performing circumcisions in Israel for more than 30 years. He asked not to be named to avoid being connected to any controversy.

He pointed to the Book of Genesis, where God said to Abraham: "And you shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskins; and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you."

It is this covenant that, the mohel said, that "keeps the people of Israel together".

The Bible goes on: "And the uncircumcised male child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant."

Scholars have differed over the years what this means in practice.


Tamir is unswayed by the ancient verses.

"This edict is painful, irreversible and maims," she said. The Internet was helping to spread the word, she said, allowing parents to find information about circumcision and seek advice anonymously.

Some Jewish groups in the United States which oppose circumcision offer alternative religious brit ceremonies that do not include an actual circumcision.

"There is definitely a growing number of Jewish families in the U.S. who are choosing not to circumcise," said Florida-based Rebecca Wald. In 2010 she started a website to connect parents who are unsure about what to do.

"Since then, in phone calls, emails, and on social networking sites I have connected with hundreds of Jewish people in the U.S. who question circumcision." she said in an email interview. "Many of them have intact (uncircumcised) sons or plan to leave future sons intact."

Wald's son was not circumcised.

"I have a very strong sense of Jewish identity and, believe it or not, having an intact son has only deepened it," she said.

In Israel, where the vast majority are circumcised, the dilemma may be particularly difficult.

Although she is confident of the choice she and her husband made, Gali still has one concern.

"The main issue which still troubles me a little is the social one, that one day he may come to me and say 'Mom, why did you do that to me? They made fun of me today'," Gali said.

The Health Ministry does not keep records on circumcisions but estimates about 60,000 to 70,000 are held in Israel every year, which roughly corresponds to the number of boys born in 2010, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics.

The ministry said it treats about 70 cases a year of circumcisions gone wrong, mainly minor complications such as excessive bleeding.

Kaufman said "people were shocked" to learn that her son is not circumcised.

"In Israel everybody does it, like a herd," she said. "They don't stop and ask themselves about this specific procedure which has to do with damaging a baby."

Watching her son rummage through a stack of toys, Kaufman said: "The way he was born is the way his body should be."

(Editing by Jeffrey Heller and Sonya Hepinstall)


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BP Oil Relief Plan Infographic

BP Oil Relief Plan Infographic infographic

The Deepwater Horizon oilspill in 2010 generated a bunch of crazy ideas to stop the flow of oil; including using garbage to try and plug the pipe. This graphic shows the progress through the month of May 2010. The well was capped in July, but the plan described in this infographic wasn?t completed until mid September.


Tagged oil relief plan


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Wednesday 28 November 2012

Rob Ford apologizes for actions in conflict case

A contrite Rob Ford acknowledged he could have done things differently in the matter that caused an Ontario judge to order him to relinquish the Toronto mayoralty, one day after attributing his ouster to left-wing politics.

"Looking back, maybe I could have expressed myself in a different way. To everyone who believes I should have done this differently, I sincerely apologize," Ford said in a prepared statement at a Tuesday afternoon news conference at city hall.

"In our view, it is my opinion that the word 'term' means 2010 to 2014."? Anna Kinastowski, City of Toronto solicitor

"I was focused on raising money to help underprivileged youth. I never believed there was a conflict of interest because I had nothing to gain and the city had nothing to lose. But I respect the court's decision," said Ford, who sounded hoarse.

The mayor was in much feistier form a day earlier, when he attributed the court decision to "left-wing politics."

"The left wing wants me out of here and they'll do anything in their power to," he said at the time.

His comments Tuesday came hours after city solicitor Anna Kinastowski said it is the opinion of the City of Toronto's legal team that Ford would not be able to run for mayor until 2014. She stressed that the mayor is free to seek his own legal opinion.

She was commenting Tuesday morning during a session of Toronto council, a day after Ontario Superior Court Justice Charles T. Hackland found that Ford had violated provincial conflict of interest rules for municipal politicians and ordered his seat be vacated in two weeks.

Kinastowski was specifically addressing uncertainty around the wording in the decision delivered by Hackland.

By law, Hackland could have barred Ford from running again for office for up to seven years. Instead, he did not place "any further disqualification from beyond the current term."

The meaning of "current term" caused much confusion, with some lawyers interpreting that to mean the end of his current term in December 2014, while others interpreted that wording to mean that the term would end if and when he relinquishes the seat.

"In our view, it is my opinion that the word 'term' means 2010 to 2014," Kinastowski said.

But Alan Lenczner, Ford's lawyer, told CBC News that he believes the mayor could run in a byelection if one is called ahead of the 2014 municipal election. Lenczner said he was certain that the word "term" in question meant 14 days and that he thinks the mayor could run again at any time.

Ford has said he plans to appeal Hackland's ruling. If it's upheld in the appeal, council then has 60 days to either appoint a new mayor or call a byelection to fill the seat.

A three-judge panel in Ontario divisional court would hear the appeal that Ford has said he plans to file this week.

The divisional court's ruling is final, Kinastowski said.

'Unusual' for court to decline stay application

Ford could also apply to have Hackland's ruling stayed, and if successful, he could remain as mayor until the appeal process is exhausted.

Lenczner told CBC News that a stay application would be heard on Dec. 5. An appeal of Hackland's ruling could be heard by Jan. 7.

Kinastowski said she thought it would be "unusual" for the court to decline a stay.

However, Stephen D'Agostino, who specializes in municipal law, told CBC News that he believes granting a stay to Ford would be unprecedented.

"I've been involved in conflict of interest work for 15-odd years," he said. "I've never seen it done."

Ford attended council and the victory parade for the Toronto Argonauts, who beat the Calgary Stampeders on Sunday to win the 100th Grey Cup.

Ford made a proclamation declaring "Toronto Argonauts Day."

"This is what you call a dream come true, folks. We said they could do it and they did it," said Ford, who was greeted with a mix of boos and cheers.

On Tuesday night, Ford was on the sidelines at the Metro Bowl, coaching the Don Bosco Eagles in the citywide high school championship. The game was played on the same Rogers Centre field where the Argos captured the CFL championship on Sunday. Ford's team lost 28-14.

While Ford remains mayor for at least 13 more days, Coun. Giorgio Mammoliti, one of the mayor's staunchest allies, told reporters Ford should step down while the appeal process unfolds. The city is in a "crisis," Mammoliti told reporters shortly after Kinastowski addressed council.

?I think it would be appropriate for him to not leave office, but step down until the appeal is over and give the reins to the deputy mayor," he said.

Rob Ford's full statement

Good afternoon everyone.

I was elected two years ago by the people of Toronto to do a job. We have accomplished a lot in the past two years. But, that job isn't finished yet.

I respect the Court's decision that was released yesterday. My decision to appeal is not a criticism of the Court. But, I feel it is important to work through the appeal system so I can continue to do the work I was elected to do.

This entire matter began because I love to help kids play football. When this came to Council for the vote in question, I felt it was important to answer the accusations that had been made against me. I was focused on raising money to help underprivileged youth. I never believed there was a conflict of interest because I had nothing to gain. And, the City had nothing to lose.

But, I respect the court's decision. Looking back, maybe I could have expressed myself in a different way. To everyone who believes I should have done this differently ? I sincerely apologize.

The people elected me to bring respect for taxpayers back to City Hall, and I will keep working to do exactly that for as long as I can ? or, until the people elect someone else to do the job.

Thank you. Unfortunately, that is all I can say at this time.


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LinkedIn Has No Phone Number - Business Insider


Jeff Weiner, CEO, LinkedIn


Back in September, I wrote a small item pointing out the fact that it is impossible to reach any LinkedIn staff member by phone (unless you already know their direct line).

Writing that post was a huge mistake.

Unfortunately for me, that story is now the No.2 Google result for "LinkedIn Phone Number."

Now I frequently get calls from people trying to reach someone at LinkedIn, or people who believe that I am a LinkedIn employee. Multiple calls per week, not including hangups. (The top Google result is for a site that has a phone number that doesn't work; LinkedIn's own pages don't really rank; so my story appears as the only useful piece of information on LinkedIn's phone number situation.)

The no-phone policy is frustrating for users and potential advertisers who just want to talk to someone at the company about their accounts or the buying ad space.

Some of the complaints I've heard are reasonable, and distressing. And the stakes are increasingly high: More and more companies require a LinkedIn resume rather than the real thing for job applications.

One woman told me she left her job and then realized she had stored her LinkedIn password on her old employer's computer. She didn't know how to get it back. Another LinkedIn user told me she accidentally created a second account for herself ? and found herself locked out of both. Get locked out of LinkedIn and you could get locked out of your career.

They're the kind of problems that are most satisfyingly solved with a simple call to an employee.

And, therefore, I get all LinkedIn's calls.

So, for the record: I am not a LinkedIn employee, and I don't know the phone number of anyone in the Help Department.

If you are looking for help from LinkedIn, you CANNOT call them on the phone. The company would prefer it if you went through these channels:

But please don't call me.

Alternatively, Mr. Weiner, you might want to consider offering your members and customers a way to speak to a human being at LinkedIn.


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Proper squat technique... - Health, Fitness, and Sports


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What Would Brian Boitano Do?

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 4:30 pm?? ?Post subject: Reply with quote

Try front squats. They'll strengthen the abs, and will reenforce proper posture during squatting in general. On a front squat, it's impossible for you to go too far forward really, as if you go too far forward, you'll just drop the bar. Also, if the weight gets unsafe you can ditch a front squat easier.

Also, you should probably be deadlifting to strengthen the lower back musculature. You can also do hyperextensions and good mornings, too, but deadlifts and squats sorta feed eachother.

So do front squats for a couple weeks, then go back to back squats, and you'll find you'll be able to back squat a lot better. Also, front squats directly improve your ability to clean, too.
But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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Bankruptcy Court Warns on WARN

Judge Martin Glenn of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York recently dismissed a putative class action complaint filed on behalf of former employees of MF Global that alleged the chapter 11 trustee for MF Global Holdings Ltd. and certain of its subsidiaries and the SIPA trustee for MF Global Inc. failed to provide sufficient notice under the federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (the ?WARN Act?) and the New York version of the WARN Act prior to terminating such employees.? In its memorandum opinion and order, the bankruptcy court considered whether the SIPA trustee and chapter 11 trustee were ?employers? for purposes of the WARN Act and the NY WARN Act or ?liquidating fiduciaries? who are excepted from the obligation to comply with advance notice requirements under the WARN statutes, in which case the actions of the trustees would be protected.

On October 31, 2011, pursuant to the Securities Investor Protection Act, the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York entered the order commencing the liquidation of MF Global Inc., the U.S. broker-dealer arm of the MF Global enterprise, and appointed James W. Giddens as the SIPA trustee.? (Under SIPA section 78eee, upon the grant by the district court of the ?protective decree? and the appointment of the SIPA trustee, the liquidation proceeding is removed to the bankruptcy court.)? SIPA section 78fff(a), among other things, requires a SIPA trustee to liquidate the broker-dealer business.? That same day, the broker-dealer?s parent company, MF Global Holdings Ltd., and its affiliated financing company, MF Global Finance USA Inc., filed voluntary chapter 11 petitions.? Approximately two weeks later, on November 11, 2011, the putative class members were dismissed from their employment.? On November 21, 2011, the debtors and the statutory creditors? committee filed a joint emergency motion seeking the appointment of a chapter 11 trustee, which the court granted a week later.

The only purpose of the SIPA proceeding for the MF broker-dealer (which employed the bulk of the terminated MF employees) could be liquidation.? The stated purpose of the chapter 11 filings, however, was less clear. ?Although the first day affidavit and the statements at the first day hearing indicated that the MF Global chapter 11 cases were filed with the hope of reorganizing, these statements conflicted with those made in the emergency motion seeking the appointment of a chapter 11 trustee ?to reorganize and/or liquidate the [d]ebtors? assets for the benefit of the . . . estates,? which also stated that ?[t]he primary objective for the duration of the chapter 11 cases is the orderly wind-down of the [d]ebtors? various assets.?? The bankruptcy court observed, ?With the appointment of the Chapter 11 Trustee on November 28, 2011, it became clear that the only possible outcome for the chapter 11 [d]ebtors was liquidation.? But between October 31, 2011 and November 22, 2011, there is nothing in the record to establish that the chapter 11 [d]ebtors intended to liquidate.?

Having established the differing original objectives of the SIPA proceeding and the chapter 11 cases, Judge Glenn then considered whether the trustees were ?employers? for the purposes of the WARN statutes.? Both trustees relied upon the preamble to the explanatory WARN Act Regulations issued by the Secretary of the Department of Labor to exclude themselves from the definition of ?employer.?? As a matter of law, the bankruptcy court concluded that the MF broker-dealer was liquidating when the layoffs occurred because the SIPA trustee was empowered by law only to liquidate the business, and as such, the SIPA trustee was a ?liquidating fiduciary? and did not fall within the definition of ?employer.?? Accordingly, the SIPA trustee was excepted from the obligation to comply with the advance notice requirements under the WARN statutes.

Although the bankruptcy court also granted the chapter 11 trustee?s motion to dismiss, it did so without prejudice and without basing its decision on the ?liquidating fiduciary? principle.? Unlike the SIPA trustee?s motion to dismiss, disputed issues of fact existed with respect to the chapter 11 debtors.? Moreover, the class action complaint itself did not allege whether the debtors were seeking to reorganize or to liquidate.? Having concluded that the allegations in the complaint were deficient, the court granted the chapter 11 trustee?s motion to dismiss, but also granted the putative class representatives leave to amend their complaint within thirty days.? The bankruptcy court noted, however, that any subsequent amendment of the complaint would not preclude the court from dismissing the amended complaint based on the ?liquidating fiduciary? principle.

Thielmann reminds (or perhaps warns) debtors and their professionals that the interplay between the Bankruptcy Code and various federal and state statutes can be complicated and often ill-defined.? Moreover, what may appear to be innocuous, generic statements made in first day pleadings may have implications later.?? Unless a debtor-entity is excepted from the definition of ?employer? pursuant to the WARN statutes, a debtor (or its trustee) is warned to WARN.

Disclosure:? Although Weil is not involved in the WARN litigation, we represent the Administrators in certain of the proceedings relating to MF Global?s UK subsidiaries, including its UK broker-dealer.

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Tuesday 27 November 2012

94% Looper

All Critics (231) | Top Critics (41) | Fresh (216) | Rotten (15)

The reasoning behind all this may not reward prolonged inspection, but Johnson is smart enough to press onward with his plot, leaving us with neither the time nor the desire to linger over the logic ...

Writer-director Rian Johnson establishes himself as an original talent who clearly believes storytelling must prevail.

A mind-bending ride that is not afraid to slow down now and again, to explore themes of regret and redemption, solitude and sacrifice, love and loss. It's a movie worth seeing and, perhaps, going back to see again.

Looper has more heart than Brick and the 2008 con-man flick The Brothers Bloom. Both fine achievements, they could also be described as viscerally cerebral.

I'm a sucker for time-travel movies.

Looper felt to me like a maddening near-miss ...

Looper is among the cleverest, most skillfully crafted and entertaining sci-fi thrillers of the past 20 years.

The smartest, most stylish and most outright entertaining science-fiction film of the year.

A thought-provoking, heart-pounding take on the applications and ethics of time travel which, oddly enough, doubles up as a lesson in the importance of good parenting.

This is one of those rare genre movies (like the original TERMINATOR) that reminds us that Sci-Fi can be smart. It's much more than just a bunch of special effects and explosions. It's what all movies should aspire to be.

While it sometimes feels like it's trying to do much, Looper manages to be a creditable and exciting sci-fi flick that homages the past while carving out a unique identity.

Much as he did in Brick, Johnson creates a carefully drawn world in Looper that exists by its own particular set of rules.

... has an irresistible energy and a don't-give-a-damn unpredictability ...

Beautifully crafted, acted and written.

Anchors high-concept thrills and captivating ideas in a world of challenging morality and intricate personal consequences.

Truly imaginative but all the twists and turns make the overall film difficult to follow. Plus Gordon-Levitt has not reached leading man status yet.

Kind of a reverse-"Terminator" without any of James Cameron's wit (or wisdom),

An endlessly creative mind-blowing film that captures everything right about the movie going experience. Johnson conjures up the most imaginative action/science fiction film since 'Inception.'

Part science fiction, part mob movie, and with a nice infusion of dark comedy at just the right moments, Looper is Johnson's best movie yet, and manages to be hugely entertaining, affecting, and thought-provoking.

takes us far beyond the film's high-concept premise into the kind of emotional terrain that too often escapes even the best genre filmmakers

Doesn't quite reach the heights of the lofty ideals that it so ardently seeks to expound, but makes up for this with the sheer thrill of the journey Rian Johnson takes us on.

Ingenious with a fine performance by Emily Blunt, but far too much cold-blooded violence.

Engaging, exciting, and successfully cross-breeding elements of Terminator and even Pet Sematary, Looper is a solid work of palatable science-fiction.

Looper's super. An action-thriller that bothers to have a brain.

Looper may not take us back to the future as satisfyingly as Robert Zemeckis' Marty McFly trilogy or James Cameron's Terminator franchise, but writer-director Rian Johnson does enough right to all but guarantee that he has a future cult film on the books.

The best time travel films play on emotion rather than logic, and once Looper realises this and drops all the tail-chasing about how time travel works it settles into the engrossing action/drama about destiny it should have been from the get go.


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Grapefruit may turn more drugs deadly

??If you kick-start your day with a glass of grapefruit juice, be careful. Canadian scientists say the number of common prescription drugs that can interact badly with the tart citrus is climbing, with the potential for dangerous, even deadly, results.


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Windows 8 App Store Has 3 Times As Many Downloads As Apple?s Mac Store, But Only One-Fifth The Revenues, Says Distimo

windows-8-logoMicrosoft made a big push to ensure that when Windows 8 went live in October, the apps in its Windows Store would not disappoint, claiming it would have more apps than any other platform at launch, and then?cracking 20,000 apps within the first month. Now, according to new figures from Distimo, the store has followed through with strong download activity: the daily download volume of the top 300 apps is already three times higher than that of the top 300 in the Apple Mac Store.


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Animals are already dissolving in Southern Ocean acid

In a small patch of the Southern Ocean, the shells of sea snails are dissolving. The finding is the first evidence that marine life is already suffering as a result of man-made ocean acidification.

"This is actually happening now," says Geraint Tarling of the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge, UK. He and colleagues captured free-swimming sea snails called pteropods from the Southern Ocean in early 2008 and found under an electron microscope that the outer layers of their hard shells bore signs of unusual corrosion.

As well as warming the planet, the carbon dioxide we emit is changing the chemistry of the ocean. CO2 dissolves in water to form carbonic acid, making the water less alkaline. The pH is currently dropping at about 0.1 per century, faster than any time in the last 300 million years.

Lab experiments have shown that organisms with hard shells, such as corals and molluscs, will suffer as a result. To build their shells, corals and molluscs need to take up calcium carbonate from the water, but more carbonic acid means more hydrogen ions in the water. These react with carbonate ions, making them unavailable to form calcium carbonate.

Aragonite shortage

The most vulnerable animals are those, like pteropods, that build their shells entirely from aragonite, a form of calcium carbonate that is very sensitive to extra acidity. By 2050, there will be a severe shortage of aragonite in much of the ocean.

Aragonite is still relatively plentiful in most of the ocean, but Tarling suspected that some regions might already be affected by shortages.

He visited the Southern Ocean near South Georgia where deep water wells up to the surface. This water is naturally low in aragonite, meaning the surface waters it supplies are naturally somewhat low in the mineral ? although not so much so that it would normally be a problem. Add in the effect of ocean acidification, however, and Tarling found that the mineral was dangerously sparse at the surface.

"It's of concern that they can see it today," says Toby Tyrrell of the National Oceanography Centre in Southampton, UK.

Aragonite-depleted regions are still rare, but they will become widespread by 2050, says Tarling. The polar oceans will change fastest, with the tropics following a few decades after. "These pockets will start to get larger and larger until they meet," he says.

Tyrrell says the Arctic will become undersaturated with respect to aragonite before the Antarctic. Patches of undersaturation have already been seen, for instance off the north coast of Canada in 2008.

The only way to stop ocean acidification is to reduce our CO2 emissions, Tyrrell says. It has been suggested that we could add megatonnes of lime to the ocean to balance the extra acidity. However, Tyrrell says this is "probably not practical" because the amounts involved ? and thus the costs ? are enormous.

Journal reference: Nature Geoscience, DOI: 10.1038/ngeo1635

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Why is Texas always a mere Fort Sumter away from seceding?

Secession talk has always been Texas-sized in Texas. But if nothing else, the latest online request to the White House for independence really means: Get ready for four more years of acrimony between Austin and Washington.

By Patrik Jonsson,?Staff Writer / November 24, 2012

The Obama administration introduced 'We the People,' at, in September 2011 in a bid to create 'an unprecedented level of openness in government,' according to the website.

screen capture of


Did you know Texas is actually not a US state, but an occupied land, bear-hugged, and bamboozled into the Union not by will but by force?

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It?s true! Well, kind of.

If there?s one thing that?s not news in Texas, it?s secession talk, which has been going on ever since the United States, with the OK from the then-nine-year-old independent republic?s president, annexed the Lone Star state and extended the federal umbrella over the Palo Pinto Mountains and beyond. That annexation and the legal details of the return of Texas into the Union after the South lost the Civil War have been contested over the years in court by various ?Republic of Texas? splinter groups.

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Now, here we go again: After a contested election that for some confirmed the depth of the political and philosophical distance between Washington and Austin, over 112,000 Texans are ready to take their ball (and all that oil) and go home by petitioning the White House?s ?We the People? website for independence. (The ?Obama administration now owes Texans an official response by mid-December, as it does dozens of other similar state secession requests. The White House website promises a response to petitions with over 25,000 names.)?

But if the secessionist numbers are on the whole paltry, the emotions are real and widespread. Indeed, if national Republicans were chastened by the national election, conservatives in Texas seemed to double down on rebelliousness. If the tea party flagged nationally, not so in Texas, where tea party Republicans gained ground in the Senate, the legislature turned even more Republican, and GOP Gov. Rick Perry (who once suggested secession might not be the worst idea) dug in his heels for more battles with Washington, against which the state has already filed 24 lawsuits on issues ranging from environmental laws to voting rights.

Moreover, Texas is leading the online secession movement on the White House website ? and not just because there are lots of Texans. Perhaps the greatest reason is that the fundamentals of nationhood ? materially, legally and philosophically ? are more evident in Texas, at least arguably, than any other state. Add to that its political counterweight status to Washington, it is, always has been, and likely always will be, the one state to most likely sign divorce papers.

Having once been a nation, Texas could conceivably go at it again. Successful secession would mean Texas would instantly become the 40th largest country on the globe, with a wealth of oil and other natural resources. No longer would Austin have to bow by executive orders and bureaucratic fiats from Washington. According to this vision, lovers of individual freedom and enterprise would flock to Texas, bolstering a wave of migration and investment that has allowed the state to weather the nation?s economic storm better than most.

?This ?nation,? as some would call it, is not only a highly functional, world-class economy, engaging in robust commerce with other nations and neighboring states, it actually has a budget, a balanced one at that,? writes Chuck Poole, a columnist with the Arlington, Tex., Voice. ?? [B]ut why should the Great Republic of Texas continue to be at the losing end of the welfare worm-hole that wends its way to New York and other so-called blue states by way of the Washington vortex??


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