Tuesday 13 March 2012

The Edge Of Banner Advertising For Online Business Strategies ...

Banner Advertising is basically a form of advertising where you use a graphic banner ? with animation or none ? where a visitor is directed to your site once he clicks it. It?s more striking, more edgy and more effective in leading people to your website. With that in mind, it?s easier to catch your visitor?s attention to make them curious about your product.

Here are some important details how banner advertisement differs from other forms of strategy. Smart internet marketers have understood the edge and incorporated this type of medium in their strategies to catch more traffic. However, not all internet marketing strategies really work in all websites since, formulas in ranking evolves in a snap. Our goal basically is for you to figure out the edge and apply it in your own action plan.
As you have noticed, majority of the advertising ads are created in the form of text or they are done through AdWords. Text advertising has a lot of competition and really looks boring for the majority but, the beauty of Banner advertisements are done through images or other forms of graphic design. This kind of advertisement is unique, edgy and more efficient. It has lower competition compared to a text advertisement. Need to say more?

Here are the EDGY features of BANNER ADVERTISEMENT:
1. It has less competition compared to text advertisement.
2. It enjoys lower CPC or cost per click. Since it uses graphics, images, and sound, it can easily attract more viewers. Another thing is that, you can use different kinds of colors or effects, as long as it pleases your target market first then you.
3. Many people found this to be more entertaining compared to text ads because it comes in flashing, blinking, and running movements in the webpage. But it is highly recommended not to prolong to more than 10 seconds the animation so as to prevent the long loading of these banner ads for slower connections.
4. It is strategically located in top ranking sites ? usually on top or in the side bars.
5. Banner advertisement may come in different shapes and sizes. Each variation achieves different CTRs or Click Through Rates.

Here are the Standard Shapes of Banner Ads:
1. Medium Rectangle (300 x 250 IMU)
2. Square Pop-Up (250 x 250 IMU)
3. Vertical Rectangle (240 x 400 IMU)
4. Large Rectangle (336 x 280 IMU)
5. Rectangle (180 x 150 IMU)
6. Pop ? Under (720 x 300 IMU)
7. Full Banner (468 x 60 IMU)
8. Half Banner (234 x 60 IMU)
9. Micro Bar (88 x 31 IMU)
10. Button 1 / Button 2 (120 x 90 IMU / 120 x 60 IMU)
11. Vertical Banner (120 x 240 IMU)
12. Square Button (125 x 125 IMU)
13. Leaderboard (728 x 120 IMU)
14. Wide Skyscraper (160 x 600 IMU)
15. Skyscraper (120 x 600 IMU)
16. Half Page Ad (300 x 600 IMU)

Smart Internet Marketers want to be effective with their online strategies. They?d never settle for second best. Using Banner Ads and strategically posting it in high-ranking sites as well as, your personal site will definitely work to your advantage. Choose the right graphics and a more enticing text, then you?ll definitely work your way with Banner Ads. Though you need to hire a graphic artist or a web person to sync it with your site ? what the heck? If it?s going to drive more traffic, consider this as your investment rather than an expense. See you at the top!

Source: http://bostonasthma.org/the-edge-of-banner-advertising-for-online-business-strategies

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