Stay at home dads With the economy as it is many of us dads that were part of the working force are now finding ourselves in a new role. That new role is one that we are not accustomed to, and in most cases we find ourselves at a loss for what to do. Myself for instance, I am a father of 3 children, 2 of which do go to school full time (kindergarten, and 2nd grade) while my 3rd is too young for school so we stay home together. That in itself is no big deal, I always enjoy wrestling around with my son, and playing catch, but we also have to take care of the house work. For the past seven years I have always seen advertised places where stay at home moms can meet, and share ideas. But since I have not been working, and been being Mr. Mom I have not been able to find a group of other dads that are sharing the same situation. Why is that? Is it because no man has stepped up and started a group? are we too manly to meet like that and share ideas? or is it because deep down we are secretly hoping that we can go back to work soon and that all the family roles will go back to the way it was. I pose this challenge to every father out there: No matter where you live, man up and start a group that is not religious related, not race related, but a group just for fathers, by fathers, for fathers that truly care about the future of our children and the future of our country. Because in the end it does not matter how you worship God, it does not matter what color your skin is, what matters is that our children are the future of our nation and if we don?t want to see our country fail like many other nations throughout time we must take steps now. If you want tips, ideas, or suggestions about how to, or where to start feel free to contact me, or share your ideas here.
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