Monday 13 August 2012

Spiegel reports German Upper House set to introduce wealth tax ...

  • My 50-year-old brother died suddenly on Wednesday, August 8, 2012. It ought not have happened. I explain below the fold.

  • Mazie Hirono celebrates her primary win with supporters. Rep. Mazie Hirono'...

  • I know, quite a mouthful but in the words of Big Ed "Let's get to work". With all the news out with the selection of Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's running mate my favorite so far is definitely by ...

  • Paul Ryan, sitting next to Mitt Romney on 60 Minutes , claims the GOP ticket wants to force wealthy people to pay more taxes by taking away their tax shelters: What we're saying is take away the ...

  • THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary _________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release August 13, 2012 REMARKS BY ...

  • This spring Dominion Virginia Power unveiled a proposal to buy 3 megawatts (MW) worth of power from its customers who have solar panels, and resell the electricity to its Green Power Program through ...

  • In one of the first talk show interviews that I ever did, a woman called in and asked me how it felt to be a "baby killer." I asked her how it felt to be rude. Now Congressman Keith Ellison is ...

  • Everyone willing to listen has heard us say this is going to be a gutter fight. But, there are some ways to conduct sewer pugilism with suave and class. President Obama has everything to win, and ...

  • Monday afternoon arrived one more time in Possum Valley. Science talk returns to brighten your day once again with selections from science sites across the globe. New discoveries, new takes on old ...

  • Out to lunch today at a restaurant in North Salem New york. about five minutes after we sat down , in walks Dick Morris and another man. They sit at a table cross the aisle from us. I am fascinated (...

  • My Photoshop/iMovie skilz are sorely wanting, so I'll leave this to more capable hands ( Dood ? Vor ??) Anyway, here goes: The print version looks something like this: Headline: Ryan's plan for ...

  • The legal battle over Arizona's 20 week ban is a preview of the coming wave of legal arguments in defense of pre-viability and other unconstituitonal abortion restrictions. Written by Jessica Mason ...

  • Since we have so many of these now, I'll just post the link I have and a quick blurb from the link. Apparently several people have been shot including law enforcement but there are few details. ...

  • Welcome to the Coffee Hour / Open Thread . For today's suggested topic lets consider the Chronostasis. What is Chronostasis? For the answer jump beyond the fold. - - This is an Open Thread / Coffee ...

  • President Obama delivers his weekly address, on the drought crisis. President Obama was already on top of the drought crisis, delivering his weekly address on the topic, focusing on the efforts his ...

  • KHOU reports that law enforcement have a single suspected gunman in custody. At least two police officers took fire, but no word yet on their injuries or additional victims.

  • A good friend of mine just sent me a link to a new drama - well, maybe an old drama that's been written and produced to look like it's new. It's a story of rape in the military. For those of you ...

  • Russia is in the throes of a third revolution within 100 years. Putin and his former KGB oligarchs are being challenged in every sector, across income levels, geography and cultural boundaries.

  • In Ryan's defense, he's probably just a dumb investor I think it's still an open question, but so far I'm not seeing evidence that Paul Ryan engaged in ...

  • As Mitt "Foot in Mouth" Romney left to attend the London Olympic Games he mused aloud about how disorganized the British appeared, seeming to imply that HIS Olympics in Salt Lake City, a far smaller ...

  • Source:

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