Saturday 12 January 2013

Profitable Online Information Product Business

create an online business

I have a secret that I have never shared publicly ? especially not on my own professional website.

It is not something I even share with friends or colleagues. It is my secret that I protect and only disclose to a few trusted friends or people who are looking for the shock factor.

Here it is?

For over a decade I studied and worked as a CPA Accountant.

I hated every soulless, robotic minute of it.

hate office work


The clock seemed to be ticking backwards, I felt like there were cameras watching me the whole time, I had no interest in any of the companies that I worked for and I longed to be able to do work that I was passionate about, setting my own schedule and having the flexibility to travel and work at the same time, without having to check in with 3 supervisors months in advance.

I am a Gemini.

I crave freedom and passion, in work and in life.

The Dream?

I wanted to be able to take off when I wanted, work while I was traveling, keep making a steady passive income while I explored different places, or even when I was at home in my own city.

I always thought that this was a pipe dream ? something that was maybe possible for ?them? because they were somehow smarter, more talented, more savvy and ?special?.

?They? were the chosen few and I was doomed and destined to be a paper pushing, clock watching CPA forever?

Until one day I just had enough.

I think the turning point was around the time when I realized that I didn?t even understand which way debits and credits were supposed to go ? something that the financial controller of a company should have had locked down.

I had been researching many different options for new career paths and the final straw was receiving a mass email from the office manager about the ?dirty cups in the sink that everyone should be cleaning?.

That was it. I was done. I was ready to make a move, no matter what the consequences were.

Making The Big Move

I went into my Managers office and told him my thoughts, straight up, without stuttering once.

He smiled and said, ?Nina, get the hell out of here.?

?Go and live your life, go to New York, travel the world, explore different types of work, tap into your creativity, do what you love and are passionate about. This is your time. Go now or you will be stuck here forever.?

Thank you Richard, I am forever grateful for those words. Life changing stuff.

The following week I was out of that office, had packed up my apartment and bought a one way ticket to New York.

I had read the 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss and kept thinking of his words:

?That?s precisely the question everyone should be asking?why the hell not? ? Why not you, why not now??

And the journey began?

5 years later I am living in my cute West Village apartment, making a full time income from work that I love, have launched numerous products and programs online that generate passive income as I type this, travel to a resort in Sedona, a conference in San Francisco, go hiking in Colorado, do yoga by the beach in Half Moon bay California,? and visiting friends and family in Sunny Sydney.

yoga in california

colorado hiking











nina vucetic sydney









How did this all happen?

That is what I will be revealing to you all over the next few months in my upcoming Create Your Online Dream Career series? together with the launch of my Create and Launch It Program that is the foundation of how I work, run my online business and generate passive income that enables me to have a freedom based lifestyle while doing work that I genuinely love.

Over the next few months, and in my Create and Launch It Program, I will be revealing exactly how I did it, step by step, and how you can too!

Now I want to hear from you!

Hit reply or leave me a comment telling me your big dream for 2013. Or perhaps you are stuck like I was and want to get out. Also let me know what questions you have that I can specifically address over the next few months that will help you achieve your goals, build wealth through online products and programs, a profitable information product business, create the career of your dreams and build a full time online business doing what you are genuinely passionate about.

??When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it?

- Paulo Coelho

?To Your success, freedom and abundance!

Love Nina :)

nina vucetic







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