Tuesday 29 January 2013

Stick Time: Home-Schooler in the Choir - ChoralNet

Date: January 28, 2013

Views: 237

Bring up the topic of home-schooling among a group of educators and you can be assured of a vibrant discussion.? A study by the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) estimates that in the spring of 2010, there were more than two million home-schooled students, K through 12.? That accounts for about four percent of our school-aged population.


As choral music educators, we are eager to provide access to our art for as many students as possible within our respective schools.? How can a home-school student experience the same level of music education available to a child in a traditional educational environment?


Among several possible ways to provide a choral music experience to home-school students is through a community youth choir.? There are many such excellent community youth choral programs in cities throughout the U.S.; including this choir ? the Concord Vocal Ensemble - featured at a recent ACDA Divisional Conference.


Source: http://www.choralnet.org/view/409469

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