Friday 29 March 2013

RIM founder says board asked him to stay as CEO

TORONTO (AP) ? Research In Motion co-founder Mike Lazaridis says he has no plans to sell his significant interest in the BlackBerry maker now that he's retiring as vice chairman and director. He also reveals that the board asked him last year to reconsider stepping down as chief executive.

Lazaridis said in an interview with The Associated Press on Thursday that he decided to stay on to help new CEO Thorsten Heins with the critically important new BlackBerry launch. He says he's leaving now that that's been done.

Lazaridis helped turn the email smartphone into a ubiquitous device that many could not live without, but he and Jim Balsillie stepped down as co-CEOs in January 2012 after several quarters of disappointing results. He says the board wanted both him and Jim to stay.


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